Call of farmers and winegrowers against the new GMO / NGT

Are you a farm, organisation or social movement? Join the call to action against new GMO / NGT

We are winegrowers, vine-growers, farmers, groups, associations, self-managed spaces, individuals and movements, and we express our opposition and great concern about the attempt of the government of our country – and part of the European Union – to achieve a deregulation of the new GMO obtained with New Genomic Techniques (NGT or TEA in Italian).

In Italy, open-field trials of genetically modified rice and vines have already been authorized (a tomato trial is awaiting authorization). Fortunately, the rice field trial was unsuccessful. For grapevines, two trials are underway and it seems that more will be added soon. So far, there is no evidence of the predicted savings. On the other hand, attempts are being made to override the precautionary principle in health and safety through regulations and political intervention.

The grapevine is one of the plant species on which experiments with NGTs are concentrated. The reason is easy to deduce and has economic and cultural reasons: wine is the protagonist of a very important market, especially for Italy, France and Spain. In our country, exports are worth almost 8 billion euros. If it were not for vines and wine, we would have a deficit in the balance of trade. However, wine is also a very important cultural product: the millenary history of wine and the domestication of the vine are the heritage of peoples, civilizations and cultures.

Wine and agricultural production are suffering greatly from climate change and the onslaught of increasingly aggressive pests and diseases. Proponents of the new GMOs describe their technology as the solution to all these ills from their computer screens. But the introduction of GMOs into the production cycle of the main cultural product of all of Latin Europe is nothing more than an attempt to reap huge profits on a global scale for well-defined interest groups that intertwine public and private research, large agrochemical and pharmaceutical companies, philanthropy, and digital giants. Big Ag, Big Pharma, and Big Tech are converging with the support of governments and research centers to profoundly transform not only food systems, but the entire environment in which life unfolds every day.

The biological varieties of the cultivated vine, the result of thousands of years of selection and crossbreeding, are the fruit of the work of our ancestors and nature. This cannot be reproduced in a laboratory. If this heritage is lost, it will not be transgenesis or cisgenesis in a white coat that will rebuild it. The sole purpose of biotechnology is to seize the traditional knowledge contained in the DNA of the plants of farmers and vine-growers, to transfer it to other organisms by artificial methods and to make of it a patent, the exclusive property of the “new inventor”. Forcing nature on life forms for the sole profit of patent holders is an aberration that we oppose. 

Biological varieties of cultivated vines, the result of thousands of years of selection and crossbreeding, are the fruit of the work of our ancestors and nature. This cannot be reproduced in a laboratory. If this heritage is lost, it will not be transgenesis or cisgenesis in a white coat that will restore it. The sole purpose of biotechnology is to seize the traditional knowledge contained in the DNA of the plants of farmers and vine-growers, to transfer it to other organisms by artificial methods and to make of it a patent, the exclusive property of the “new inventor”. Forcing nature on life forms for the sole profit of patent holders is an aberration that we oppose. 

Good food and good wine come from the peasant culture and from a productive, scientific and scholarly approach applied in harmony with ecosystems. It is from here, and from the idea of non-capitalist relations and modes of production, that the climate and pathogenic challenges of our time can be addressed. Genetic manipulation is incompatible with all this, and we will oppose deregulation, defend the precautionary principle and a regulation of old and new GMOs that includes full traceability, labeling and risk assessment, as well as the right of countries to ban cultivation on their territories.

We invite all to join this struggle.
-We call on all to urge regions and municipalities to declare themselves free of new GMOs and NGTs.
-We call on all to urge organic certification bodies to distance themselves from these experiments.
-Small- and medium-scale peasant agriculture cannot be subjected to the hegemony of plant and seed patents; it must not be exposed to potentially catastrophic genetic, material and cultural pollution.

You can sign the petition by expressing your intention via email to or by filling out the form at this link


La Terra Trema
Centro Internazionale Crocevia



McCalin, Martinsicuro (TE)
Fermenti Sociali, Valsamoggia (BO)
AGRIpiccola, Telgate (BG)
Il Cerchio, Capalbio (GR)
La Bucolika di Fazzano, Fivizzano (MS)
Podere Veneri Vecchio, Castelvenere (BN)
Fiorano, Cossignano (AP)
LAeQUA, Modica (RG)
Aurora, Offida (AP)
Podere Ranieri, Massa Marittima (GR)
Sanapu, Modica (RG)
Cantina della Luce, Sorano (GR)
Le Furie, Messina (ME)
Podere Cipolla, Coviolo (RE)
La Gutina, Sant Climent Sescebes (Catalunya)
Sa buca’ e meli, Cagliari (CA)
Zaffineria, Fara Filiorum Petri (CH)
Lalé, Apiro (MC)
Zaffaroni Domenico, Mozzate (CO)
Il Foresto di Vernazza, Vernazza (SP)
Fratelli Barile, Capalbio (GR)
L’Orto di Taddeo, Castellazzo de’ Barzi (MI)
Lu Cavalire, Scerne di Pineto (TE)
Rarefratte, Breganze (VI)
Bosco Falconeria, Partinico (PA)
Filarole, Pianello (PC)
Cascina Gentile, Capriata d’Orba (AL)
Torre degli Alberi, Colli Verdi (PV)
Oranami, Ponte Nizza (PV)
L’Anciua, Sestri Levante (GE)
Sàgona, Loro Ciuffenna (AR)
La Casa dei Cini, Pietrafitta (PG)
Sa Defenza, Donori (CA)
Barbacàn, Teglio (SO)
Cantina Malopasso, Zafferana Etnea (CT)
Umaia, Cornigliasca, Carezzano (AL)
Terra Tinta, Alcamo (TP)
Apicoltura Pagani Andrea, Cislago (VA)
La Tommasina – Frassinello Monferrato (AL)
Cantina Orgosa, Orgosolo (NU)
Valli Unite, Costa Vescovato (AL)
Podere ai Contadini, Ostuni (BR)
Panchovilla in Sabina, Casperia (RI)
Cascina Caremma, Besate (MI)
Orto Tellinum, San Giacomo di Teglio (SO)
Cantina Pantun, Mottola (TA)
Poggio Bbaranèllo, Montefiascone (VT)
Davide Campagnano, Castel Campagnano (CE)
Pietro Selva, Castione Andevenno (SO)
Mondeggi Bene Comune, Bagno a Ripoli (FI)
Cantina del Malandrino , Mascali (CT)
Cesca Daniele, Moncalvo (AT)
Azienda Agricola Giuseppe Li Rosi, Raddusa (CT)
Azienda Agricola Fragiacomo, Lamezia Terme (CZ)
Matilde Coltiva, Valle di Civita di Bagnoregio (VT)
Azienda Agricola Bonavita, C.da Corso, Faro Superiore (ME)
Azienda Agricola JANAS, Località Colle Ombroso, Porano (TR)
AGRICOLÁ Soc. Agr. Romagnoli Attilio e Guglielmo, Lazise (VE)
Azienda Agricola Riccardo Razionale, Roma
Azienda Agricola Quercia Madre di Becchetti Marlena, Cantalupo in Sabina (RI)
Azienda Agricola Terra Memoria e Pace, Grizzana Morandi (BO)
Società Cooperativa La Petrosa, Francavilla Fontana (BR)
Fattoria Ma’ Falda, Prodo (TR)
Azienda Agricola Leonessi Angelo, Montopoli in Sabina (RI)
Azienda Agricola Lisiera, Lisiera (VI)
Agrigrà, Valbrenta (VI)
Azienda Agricola Furlan Giovanna, Pianiga (VE)
Il Colle di Cà Sandro, Rocca Malatina (MO)
I frutti della terra sas, Collecchio (PR)
Ruralis, Roma
Labor Casa, Casalfiumanese (BO)
Salvatore La Barbera, Pizzoni (Vibo Valentia)
Capiverdi, Ruffano (LE)
La Busattina, San Martino Sul Fiora (GR)
Cantina Lu Colbu Sardinia Wine, Vaccaggi (SS)
Flora Felix, Valsamoggia (BO)
L’Orto nel Bosco, Montaldo Bormida (AL)
Cascina Isola Maria, Albairate (MI)
Azienda Vitivinicola Rocca Rondinaria, Rocca Grimalda (AL)
Podere Erica, Barberino Tavarnelle (FI)
Ranchelle, Manciano (GR)
Casale Delle Cerquette, Roma
I Nove Filari, Campagnatico (GR)
Azienda Agricola Zordan Tiziano, Sabaudia (LT)
Azienda Agricola Vecchi Martino, Modena
Maso Grener, Lavis (TN)
Azienda Agricola Cà Balan, Pignona, Sesta Godano (SP)
Azzalora Bio, Agrigento
Cantina Muragni, Dolceacqua (IM)
Azienda Agricola Il Biancospino, Padova
Podere Lucagnolo, Calvi dell’Umbria (TR)
Jerome Bourgeois, Crouttes-sur-Marne, FRANCIA
Julian Louis, Ribaute-les-Tavernes, FRANCIA
Terramare, Ceglie Messapica (BR)
Carozzo Celestino, Canelli (AT)
Agriturismo Antica Sena, Rodì (ME)
Mondeggi Bene Comune, Bagno a Ripoli (FI)
Società agricola Ca’ Barleti, Terra del Sole (FC)
Terramare, Ceglie Messapica (LE)
Azienda agricola Marco Piccoli, Codognè (TV)
Azienda agricola Petrini, Monte San Vito (AN)
Azienda agricola Alpes Agia, Albosaggia (SO)
Ortocollettivo, Genova (GE)
Associazione allevatori razza bovina Garfagnina, Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
I Frutti della Terra, Collecchio (PR)
Azienda agricola Davide Stortini, Frontone (PU)
Azienda agricola Paolo Casarotti, Caldiero (VR)
Società agricola La Pesenata, Lazise (VR)
Azienda agricola Francesco Piazzolla, Barletta (BT)
Azienda agricola Ivan Miggiano, Muro Leccese (LE)
Bosco degli Ulivi, Morciano di Leuca (LE)
Agriturismo Pirapora, Zambrone (VV)
Azienda agricola La Badia, Vicchio (FI)
Azienda agricola Cornabrugia, Roccò del Golfo (SP)
Azienda agricola Cirenaica, Robecchetto con Induno (MI)
Azienda agricola Cresta del Pino Solitario, Fosdinovo (MS)
Azienda agricola Rotolana, Inzago (MI)


Folletto25603, Abbiategrasso (MI)
Leoncavallo Spazio Pubblico Autogestito, Milano
Simenza ETS
ARI Associazione Rurale Italiana
Comune Urupia
AVeProBi – Associazione Veneta Produttori Biologici e Biodinamici
Altragricolturabio Associazione Nazionale Produttori Biologici e Biodinamici
Slow Food Italia
Terra Viva aps
Comunità Vicentina per l’Agroecologia
Federazione Nazionale Pro Natura
Associazione Verdi Ambiente e Società
Fagiolo Magico, Como
Spaccio Popolare Autogestito del Circolo anarchico C. Berneri
GIAZ (Gruppo Informale D’Acquisto Zapatista)
Associazione Medici per l’Ambiente – ISDE Italia
Mani e Terra Società Cooperativa Sociale – SOS Rosarno
Comitato Beni Comuni, Acri (CS)
Coordinamento Zero OGM
European Rural Parliament Italy
A.Ba.Co. Associazione di Base dei Consumatori
Enoize, Roma
Consorzio Siciliano Le Galline Felici
El Biologico in Piassa APS, Padova
Critical Wine Genova
Associazione Botteghe del Mondo Italia
Coop. Laurentina km 10
Centro di Salute Internazionale e Interculturale CSI-APS
Opzione Zero, Venezia
Slow Food Varese
Comunità del Cibo della Martesana
Amici della Ludoteca APS, Cassina de’ Pecchi (MI)
GAS Cassina, Cassina de’ Pecchi (MI)